Labgruppen PLM 20K44 ( Amplifier & Lake Controller ) 4 Kênh

  • Mã SP : PLM20K44
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  • Thương hiệu: Labgruppen
  • Tình trạng : Còn hàng
  • Bảo hành : Chính hãng
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mặt trước Lab Gruppen PLM 20K44


The PLM 20K44 Combines a 4-In, 4-Out Configuration With Industry-Standard Dante Networking, Setting The Benchmark For Powered Loudspeaker Management System.

PLM 20K44 SP

The PLM 20K44 is the natural successor of the proven, road tested, and trusted Lab Gruppen touring foundation exemplified by the iconic PLM 20000Q. Now offering an extended 4-in, 4-out configuration together with twice the processing power via the latest version 6.3 Lake Controller release, plus industry-standard Dante® networking, the PLM 20K44 sets the benchmark for Powered Loudspeaker Management Systems.

The PLM 20K44 combines four channels of extremely powerful amplification with unrivalled signal processing and audio management. At the core of the system concept is the total integration of all devices – including networking, audio I/O, signal processing, amplifiers, power supply and connected mains supply – allowing complete control and monitoring of the entire platform, resulting in unique operational benefits.

The Power of Lake Processing

The PLM 20K44 features the legendary power of exclusive Lake Processing algorithms, incorporating four full-featured Lake modules with four discrete channels of audio throughput input to output. Audio signals are selectable from four channels of analog (with Iso-Float ground isolation), four channels via AES3 digital inputs and eight dual redundant Dante networked digital inputs. Input signals are inpidually selectable for each channel, with programmable failover to a lower prioritized input.

The full-featured, on-board Lake Processor includes group control with Raised Cosine MESA EQ asymmetric filters to match the responses of any loudspeaker system. LimiterMax peak and RMS limiters set the industry standard for loudspeaker protection and sonic transparency.

The included Lake Controller software provides a unified interface for control of Lake functions and for comprehensive monitoring of both amplifier status and connected loudspeaker loads. Optimized for a wireless tablet PC, Lake Controller is easy and intuitive to operate, with the “feel” of real-time analog faders and controls. Lake Controller also features seamless integration with third party, real-time sound system measurement, optimization, and control software packages. Users can measure spectrum and transfer function and adjust system EQ at the same time, using the same user interface.

Lake Processing offers classical crossovers (selectable up to 48 dB per octave) as well as linear-phase crossovers capable of slopes exceeding 180 dB per octave for greater control to limit lobing and off-axis cancellation.

Reviews - Đánh giá Labgruppen PLM 20K44 ( Amplifier & Lake Controller ) 4 Kênh


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    Thông tin sản phẩm

    • Công suất / 8 Ω: 4 kênh 2300W
    • Number of channels: 4
    • Công nghệ class: Class D
    • Kích thước: W: 483 mm (19"), H: 88 mm (2 U), D: 424 mm (16")
    • Khối lượng: 17 kg (37 lbs)
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